Sensory Books

In association with my Sensory Portrait project, I observe and record individuals engagement and translate this into a book, so that their experience can be shared. Below are some examples of how I record those interactions.

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Sensory Bias’

Using this illustrated map in full, I highlight in colour and label the Sensory Systems that the individual shows preference towards. Everyone has a unique mixture of Sensory System’s that they use to engage with the world.

It is these Sensory bias’ and knowledge of the individual that inform the development of the Sensory Portrait as an art piece.

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Transcribed Vocalisations

From a video recording of the interaction, I transcribe by ear the individual’s vocalisations. I find that patterns emerge, through their engagement. Occurring for instance at specific moments, such as in response to dropping, pulling or looking at the Sensory Portrait.

Each transcription is unique and gives an insight into how the individual may vocalise in response to the world around them.

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Tinfoil Sculptures & Poetry

Each individual that engages with my Sensory Portrait project, also has the opportunity to sculpt with tinfoil. This is because it can be engaged with independently and retains the shape created.

Tinfoil sculptures feature as an additional element showcasing the individuals engagement with the world around them.

Along with this, observations of individuals are turned into a poem or short verse, as a way to share the essence of the experience.

Engagement with the Sensory Portraits is also translated into poetry and accompanied by photographs taken during the initial encounter.